EVill Plays: Doubt

Chas and I did not get to see The Lieutenant of Inishmore last night (the production did not sent a batch of seats to TKTS yesterday), but we did finally get to see Doubt, which is as good as people say.
Ron Eldard and Jenna Malone were very, very good, but Eileen Atkins owned that stage. Just brilliant. Also, very funny. (Which I didn't necessarily expect, given the subject matter--but now I see how vitally important it is that such a serious piece keep the tone light and frothy.)
Well worth seeing before it closes (in July, I think). Cherry Jones is returning to the production for the tour, which starts shortly thereafter.
Oh, and I know I said I wouldn't be blogging this weekend, but I tend to contradict myself. (I am large, yada yada.) Best get used to that up-front.
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