Thursday, October 12, 2006

Congressman Dreier Outed

--Nation Stunned

Blogger Mike Rogers of BlogActive promises more to come before election.

WASHINGTON, Oct. 12 /U.S. Newswire/ -- Mike Rogers, president of Proud of Who We Are and the nation's top gay activist blogger, last night reported that U.S. Rep. David Dreier (R-Calif.) is a gay hypocrite, during an evening drive-time radio interview on KABC in Los Angeles. He promised to name another closeted gay member of Congress and a U.S. senator shortly. The entire interview may be heard at

Appearing on the Al Rantel Show, Rogers spoke of Dreier's secret life with a boyfriend, Brad Smith, who remains his highly paid congressional chief of staff. He said the pair took over two dozen trips worldwide and lived together for years, while Dreier cast a string of votes in Congress against gay rights, and supported the Republican Party's anti-gay crusade.

"There are an awful lot of gay men in the closet who are in positions in power who make unhealthy psychological decisions," Rogers said in the interview, referring to the recent Foley scandal.

Rogers asked why Republican National Committee Chairman Ken Mehlman has remained silent when his party is under attack over the number of closeted gay men in the highest echelons of the Republican Party.

"What are their real family values, these guys engaged in a cover-up of predatory behavior?" Rogers said on-air.

"When folks like James Dobson (of Focus on the Family), and when folks like Tony Perkins (of the Family Research Council), see what's going on, it's not motivating them to be part of the program that's designed by Ken Mehlman, who is silent about gays stuck in the higher echelons of the Republican Party," he said. "Why isn't he speaking out on behalf of his party? This is going to affect them a great deal. They know that, and they're running scared."

Rogers promised to name at least one U.S. senator and one more member of Congress, as Proud of Who We Are continues its recently launched campaign to tell right-wing leaders of other closeted gays in the Republican Party they are being asked to support on Nov. 7.

"The presence of David Drier and other high-powered, closeted, gay Republicans stands in stark contrast to the rigid, hardened opposition by socially conservative activists to anyone who is gay," Rogers said following his radio appearance.

He also "raised questions" about Ken Mehlman, who is also quite the pathetic little closet case twink.


Blogger The Truffle said...

So...what do you think of Rogers' "outing" of Senator Larry Craig?

I don't care one way or the other, but it's funny to see Republicans, who've raised smear tactics to an art form, cry like babies about this.

10/19/06, 3:17 PM  
Blogger Scott said...

I think people like that SHOULD be outed, because they are living their lives in stark contrast to their position on the issues.

This goes for all hypocrisy, not just closet-cases. The Seantor who rails against illegal immigration but hires undocumented cleaning ladies should ALSO be outed.

10/26/06, 10:26 PM  

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