Thursday, July 17, 2008

Doctor Horrible Act 2: "The Freeze Ray Takes A Few Seconds To Warm Up."

Act 2 of Joss Whedon's latest went live today.

Go there now. Please. It's even better than Act 1, whcih you can view here.

The third and final act goes live on Saturday, 7/19... and the whole thing disappears behind a pay-per-view wall at midnight on the 20th.

For uber-geeks (like me) who are still smartin' over the cancellation of Whedon's Firefly and countless other "brilliant but cancelled" cult classics, please -- spend the 4 bucks to legally download Dr Horrible... and down the road, buy the DVD... Help change the paradigm, kids, so the *next* Firefly or Freaks & Geeks has other economically viable platforms besides broadcast TV.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dr DreadFul makes a YouTube Riposte to Dr Horrible -

7/18/08, 5:53 PM  

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