In which some stuff about me boils over in no particular order

Which will be a theme, by the way: "in no particular order."
Grew up on Long Island. Went to Queens College (no sniggering--OK, a *minimum* of sniggering) and University at Buffalo. English major. Lived in the country for almost 7 years. Tried to fit in, but it really didn't suit me. Neither did the burbs. So I moved to Manhattan.
At last--a place where you can get ANYTHING delivered at ANY time. I'm so home. (Have made some great friends, too.)
Live in the East Village now. I sort-of write (scripts, plays, essays), but have an office day job. Commute to Jersey City.
Definitely going back to school... y'know, someday soon.
Animal-lover. I've always had dogs--labs growing up, then a beagle in college, now 2 Westies. They live on LI (having rebelled against my fifth floor walkup). I see them on Sundays.
Big-time beach person, but have never been to P-Town. It's high on the list of things to do, Smmer 06.

Geek. (Is that implied by anglophile? Whatever).
Pretty much addicted to--well, *all* media, but mainly TV (*good* TV--none of that oxymoronically-named "reality television:" cockroach eating, wife-swapping, general humiliation. What's next? Snuff films? Cause, friends, that's all that's left. (OK--I stole that line from Aaron Sorkin, but it was too good not to.)
Must admit, though, after 5 years, I recently sat through an episode of American Idol. Am I a traitor to... all that is good and holy... if I admit I kinda dig it? (Fuck).
Currently consuming (TV): The Sopranos. (That knifing--madonn!)

Anticipating (TV): the third (and sadly, final) season of Deadwood (ah, Deadwood--fuckin Deadwood... Cut down in your motherfuckin, cocksuckin prime--Bitches!)
*Totally* done with: Lost, Galactica. (OK, probably not.)

Best. Show. Ever: the first four years of The West Wing. Best show upcoming: Sorkin's new one, (the one I stole the line from), Studio 60 on the Sunset Strip. Look for it Mondays at 10 this fall. (And if Anyone has, like, an on-line copy laying around--via whatever means, I don't want to know... nor do I much care...--maybe they'd be willing to share it with me? I have the script, saw the six-minute promo shown at the Upfronts... now I need the actual *thing*.)
Recently seen (movies): Mission Impossible III--Awesome, if you can stomach Tom Cruise (and I can, not cause I think he's a good actor--chills, chills--but cause I don't pay attention to his bullshit).

I can't wait to see what these guys do with Star Trek and an MI:III-sized budget.
Also anticipating: Superman Returns--the trailers are giving me fucking goosebumps. Another great script from Singer, Harris & Dougherty, whose X-Men 2 is, like, the best superhero film ever made... a title I expect it to hold for another ... 5 weeks.
Dreading: Singer-less X-Men 3, which I will probably see this weekend despite the bad reviews, just so I know what I'm bitching about :).
Recently seen (theater): Sweeney Todd--Breathtaking.

At 34 years of age, still go to the comic book store most Wednesdays (which must come as QUITE a shock after the last few paragraphs), and am always in the middle of readin'... something. Favorite comics writers: Alan Moore, Neil Gaiman, Brian K. Vaughan, Brian Michael Bendis, Mark Millar, Warren Ellis.
Favorite novelists: Chabon, Pullman, Updike, Philip K. Dick--many others. American Lit: it's all about Hawthorne (OK, not *all*--but ... y'know, *a lot*.)
The classics: Milton, Shakespeare, Chaucer (in the original middle-english--no translations, please!) Dickens... eh, not so much. Maybe I'm just not "getting" his charm.
About to start: Me and the Dead End Kid, the memoir by a cousin I don't know about his dad, an uncle I never knew, the Broadway and movie actor, Leo Gorcey. (His claim to fame these days is: he was the one person involved in the Beatles' Sgt Pepper's album cover shoot who was painted out... because he requested a fee. Yep. That's my family, all right.)
Soon to be acquiring beach reading (TBD) for the summer.
Also love my X-Box--wish I had, like, a lot more time to waste on it. It's basically just gathering dust now.
On the iPOD: actually, very little new stuff. Sweeney Todd--the revival; the new Pearl Jam (haven't decided if I like it--music usually has to sit with me for a while before I decide what I think about it). Loved the latest Kate Bush and Aimee Mann. Also: the last U2 and Green Day. Liked the latest NIN quite a bit. Didn't get: Madonna. (Maybe that should read "Don't get: Madonna.") :)
Generally into: classic rock (Doors, Zep, Rush... Do Bowie and Fleetwood Mac count as classic rock?)... 80s-90s: U2, REM, New Order, The Smiths, Nirvana. Bunch of the art-rock-y chicks: Aimee Mann, old Tori, old Sara MacLachlan, all Bjork to varying degrees. Love musicals. Becoming a pretty big Sondheim fan.
Little patience for: closet cases (cause I used to be one of you); stupid people (cause I frequently *am* one of you); scientologists (cause I -- *kidding*), creationists and a bunch of other -ists.
Also: tweakers (though I have enormous compassion--and respect--for those in recovery) and gay republicans (traitors of kind--no compassion, certainly no respect, for them). Straight republicans are no prize, either. Oh, and "straight acting"--just say "self-loathing," for God's sake.
Uh-hem. Where were we? Right. A caveat. Going forward, geek-like tendencies will not go amiss. Pop culture references will abound. There will be politics. And, as you can see, a high tolerance for incessant babble will probably come in handy.
Unless, y'know, I never write another entry.
Fleetwood Mac, yes, Bowie, not so much. ;)
3 days have passed since last (and only) post...... i think this blog has died...
YAY! I'm on your blogroll, how come you haven't delurked yourself on my blog? Glad you did on Michael's I might have never found you! Excellent first post, looking forward to more and welcome to the blogosphere!
you're sweet, thanks--i've been reading for your blog for a while. i'm pullin for ya, buddy. don't let LA get to you (note to MEK: leave Mac 10 under pillow before getting on 404 on-ramp... that's how we kick it east-coast. or something.)
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